Growing Old

There is something to be said about growing old.  Watching my mother in this phase of her life has made me realize that growing old should not be feared because of sagging jaw lines, drooping bosoms and flabby thighs.  Growing old,I am discovering through my mother, can be a liberating experience.  My mother is a woman of very, and I mean very few words… but when she speaks there is no misunderstanding what her feelings and thoughts are.  There is no ambiguity- the bane of all our lives.  Ambiguity.. that inability to state what we mean in a straightforward but non offensive manner.  The other day, as happens between an elderly parent and a caregiving daughter, I believed I knew what was best for my mom. Of course, mom knew what was best for her.  And so that age old battle between daughter and mother was set.  After a couple of rather civil exchanges over what is in reality an inconsequential matter (my mom is not a shouter and I got that from her), my mother sat back in her chair folded her arms and said in quite a monotone voice..”You seem to forget that you are not my mother… you are my daughter and I am your mother.”  With those few words,  this little toss up between my mother and I came to an abrupt end.  Because after that.. what could I say?!!!  🙂

If you are a caregiver and in need of counseling/support call Julie, Licensed Mental Health Counselor @ Creative Solutions 4 Kids and Families, LLC, Tel: 954-832-3602 or email: