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Parental Addiction: 6 Ways to Help a Child Cope with a Parent Who is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

Parental addiction can affect children in detrimental ways. Neglect, abuse, academic difficulties, low self-esteem, behavioral problems and drug and alcohol addiction are just some examples of the devastating issues these children face. There are ways, however, you can help a child cope with a parent who suffers with addiction. Don’t hide the addiction. Children understand […]


7 Tips for Effective Parenting

Parenting is probably one of the most fulfilling aspects of a person’s life, yet it can be quite challenging, to say the least. Unfortunately, there is no all-in-one handbook that parents can use as an effective guide. Plus, each child is different so what may work for one child may not work for another and […]


Let go of the Mommy Instinct to be in Control of Everything | Anxiety Hollywood FL

Hi, my name is Alicia, and I like to be in control….of everything! At least, that’s how I used to be. My need for control stems from my anxiety, which stems from having the chronic illness, fibromyalgia, a condition that causes extreme fatigue, overall pain, cognitive dysfunction, muscle stiffness and weakness- plus so much more. […]

I Don’t Want to Do My Homework

Well it is almost that time of year again… school is about to reopen after the summer break and many of you parents are dreading homework time. Many of you have not yet recovered from the homework battle scars from the last school year and the prospect of acquiring new ones in the upcoming school […]

Tips to Keep on Track for the ADHD Child

As most parents with ADHD children know, they have lots of extra energy.  In fact some have so much energy that watching them sometimes makes us feel tired and drained ourselves.  Here is one tip to help you and your child. Engage your child in some kind of physical activity so they can work off some of […]